Isekai Furin: Maou Toubatsu kara Juunen, Tsuma to wa Resu no Moto Yuusha to, Otto wo Nakushita Onna Senshi


Yuta Shimabara, who was run over by the truck, reincarnated in a different world as a hero and subdued the Demon King with unrivaled power! ── Ten years later, what he has to show for is a mediocre and hard-working daily life. However, the forbidden love with the female warrior Lucas, a member of the Demon King Subjugation Party, heats up ...!?

Ecchi Fantasia Romance

Isekai Furin: Maou Toubatsu kara Juunen, Tsuma to wa Resu no Moto Yuusha to, Otto wo Nakushita Onna Senshi: Lista de capitulos

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